Archive for June 14th, 2009

Top-Notch Work at

I must admit I am impressed…these young women have really got it together here!!

In fact, I am SO IMPRESSED, that I JOINED  the SGP site tonight!! That’s right, I said it!! I joined!!

  Oh,well, I always was a “SOFTIE”  for a SMART,  good-looking woman.


Obamas’ Smoke,Mirrors & Snakeoil Show!!

Well, he’s STILL out there trying to “Sell” the Socialized Medicine Plan to the natives!!

NOW he says that if you “LIKE” your present insurance, “We won’t make you change…you can KEEP IT”!! What he DOESN’T tell you is that once the “Guvment” starts THEIR program, they push the prices down so low that the Private Sector Carriers go out of business!! This FORCES YOU to get on the Government Plan, ANYWAY!!  And, employers won’t pay for insurance anymore, so you have NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE if you want healthcare!! See how that works??!! 

The other day when he gave his “speech” at that “Townhall Meeting” in Green Bay, Wisconsin…you could just TELL they loaded that place with 100% Obamabots so they would get the correct questions from the crowd!!

He can tell you ANYTHING to make you FEEL BETTER about it because he KNOWS how it’s gonna end!!

After the big “TAKEOVER”, the Doctors don’t stand a chance, either. They either go along with the game, or they’re out, TOO!! They won’t be able to be independants because THAT will be against the law!! So, they are put between a rock & a not so soft place. Play the game or get out!! That goes for the pharmacies, too! You either take what they want to PAY you, or close your doors.

Pretty underhanded, deceitful, and down-right WRONG if you ask me!! ALL of this has got to be out & out ILLEGAL in every step!! Just like what they are doing to the auto industry. I want to see the Enumerated Article  or Law on the books that gives them the “RIGHT” to do all this!!

I tell you, this is nothing but a “Power Grab” by the Ultra-Liberal Left”. And a Payback to supporters( the Unions) in the case of GM & Chrysler.  They come out with over 53% ownership!!

I would LOVE to see the NEXT two or three companies they go after, stand up & say “Go jump in a lake!! You have NO AUTHORITY to do this in this situation!! Go hug a tree or hold hands & sing the old CocaCola Song( Come on, you know you remember it!) ” We’ve had ENOUGH of you & your “Bots”!!

Meanwhile, Pelosi is STILL having problems convincing ANYONE she didn’t know that “Waterboarding” was being used. Her numbers are in the deep end of the tank!!

Reids numbers CONTINUE to go down(even in his Home state)!! And Biden… well, he just goes on being Biden. But things aren’t great for him at home, either.  His numbers slide as well.  And “Tiny Tim” Geitner STILL has trouble answering ANY questions without looking like a TOTAL MORON!!

This whole “Political Circus Circus”, just keeps getting better & better day after day!! ONLY in the U.S.ofA.

Keep your powder dry & your guns handy…you’re gonna NEED’em!!

Nuke-powered Dwarfs…

It looks like the demented Oompa-Loompas’ are pumping up the kitty in this Global poker game called Nuke-a-palooza!!

Thats right, Kim Jong Il & his Evil twin Amedinajad( like trying to spell that word from the Sound of Music!!) are pushing the stakes HIGHER in the race to gain Nuke Power.

The ONLY differance between the two is, Iran says they want it for “Peaceful generation of electricity”! Yeah, Riiiiight! Seems to me that Israel needs to “Duck and cover” on this one.

In the West(or is it East),  “Lil Kim” says right up front he wants to be able to send a ICBM as far as the U.S.. Has ANYONE informed him that we could turn North Korea into the worlds largest cat-box before he could turn off the lights for the night?? Of course AFTER we did that, N. Korea would GLOW in the dark for some time, kind of like a large night-light.

The only draw back to this is that China is right next door, so they might get a little upset about that. But, then again, maybe NOT! After all, we ARE their LARGEST trading partner & they do hold the Lions share of our debt. But, it would save them the trouble of dealing with the little turd.

My guess is, no one in the region would be TOO upset if he just disappeared in one way or another.

But we must remember, the UNITED(Useless) NATIONS is going to send him a STEARN letter threatening sanctions!!  OOOOOHHH, now THAT ought to make him quake in his little Commie uniform!! Or we might REALLY get serious and send HILLARY over there to give him a spanking!! Better not, he’d probably LIKE that! From what I’ve read, he IS a real Party Animal and likes all the “Finer Things” in life. Use your own imagination here, Folks. That might explain WHY his health is on the edge. They say he buys whiskey by the container loads right along with Cuban cigars and anything else you can think of. Usually with the money he has “Black-mailed” from US in previous encounters!! 

Well, I’m a God-fearing Baptist. I USUALLY don’t wish ill things on people, but, he WILL get his. It is written.

Now to the Iranian “Rat Face”.

He has stated MANY TIMES that he wants a nuke to send into Israel. He wants to wipe it off the face of the Earth!! Of course he is also the MAIN SUPPLIER to the Syrian  & Palistinian underground. AND he has sent arms & munitions into Iraq since the start of the war. Components used in I.E.D’s have been TRACED back to Iran!! So I don’t believe we can take HIS word for anything!!

Myself, I  believe we need to park a few divisions of tanks on the Eastern Iraq border and tell him “OK, push the button on that nuke &  we’ll own THIS piece of property in less time than we did Iraq!!”

But, you know how our fearless leader “Chairman Moabama” would react to THAT suggestion: “We…can’t…do that kind of thing! They just…want…cheap…electricity!!

And the United(Useless)Nations, would say: Seeee? We TOLD you to take their GUNS AWAY!! Now they want to invade IRAN, TOO!!

Well, MY guess is: You walk all over “Rat-Boy” like a cheap rug, and  “Lil Kim” will shut up. And THEN you go get the OTHER nut-case Osama (“I voted Obama”) Bin-ladin!! Once you have this accomplished,  things will get BACK to pre-9/11 conditions & no one will mess with us for a Loooong time.

Keep your powder dry & your guns handy… ur gonna need ’em!

GREAT site I found(if you are a Christian Conservative)

I just stumbled on a great site for Christian Conservatives. It’s  called  Pink Elephant Pundit. Has very good up-to-date news briefs from the last 24 hrs. It can be seen a:  Or on twitter at