Archive for June 15th, 2009

Death Spiral Into Marxism(What you SHOULD be doing to STOP it!!)

As with any spiral, the farther you go into it, the faster you move down into it.(Kind of like a Turd in a toilet)

So goes our nations’ progression into Marxism. A sad ending to a SPECTACULAR NATION!! The one MOST immigrants try to come to, but, the DEM’S claim is so BAD(doesn’t make sense, does it?)!!

It has picked up so much speed in the last 30 days that even the newspaper PRAVDA in an editorial said they can’t believe how fast our pace  has moved!! THAT’S pretty bad in itself!!

That’s a pretty telling revelation, if you ask me!! It takes alot to surprise the old Russians!!

But, it’s NOT surprising with the pace at which Obama and his Flunkies have been spending & printing money in the first 100 days. Makes you wonder what is in store for us in the NEXT three and a half years.

The administration HAS been following the SAME path as Hitler did in the 1930’s. In the EXACT ORDER as then:

1.) Take over the Unions.  DONE

2.) Destroy the financial districts. DONE

3.) Take over the major industries(That’s the present step).

4.) Take over ALL forms of publication(i.e. the Newspapers, T.V., Radio, ect.(this is where the “Fairness Doctrine” comes into play)).

5.) Totally RUIN the Economy so that “Only the Government can offer you a way out of your problems”. This part is special, after the economy “CRASHES”, then the usual excuse by the “Tyrants of the past” was that the “Guvment” needs your assets to keep the “Guvment” running so they began CONFISCATING everything!! From Bank accounts, to property, to personal belongings.  Our old friend Mussolini was famous for this. He was ahead of the curve LONG before Hitler even THOUGHT of it!!

So, my point is: HOW LONG are “WE THE PEOPLE” gonna set back on our collective haunches and take this from these Socialist pieces of Human(?) Excrement??

I believe it’s time we DID something about it!! We need to do something that will REALLY get their attention.

Here’s a short list:

1.)Don’t pay your income tax. That shuts the WHOLE system down if we ALL participate. This forces them into a “NO-income” situation. Spending capital comes to a grinding halt. They can’t put ALL of us in jail since we are told they are all FULL!

2.) Everybody calls their representatives in the Congress AND the Senate at least once a day, EVERY DAY till the message finally sinks in!!

3.)Write to EVERY newspaper editor in your area. You get enough people doing this, they MIGHT think something is going to happen in a BIG way and PRINT some of them!!

4.) Write letters to your local T.V. stations as well…you never know, you might get lucky &  end up on T.V. explaining the reasons for your letter!!

5.) Join so you can locate a Tea Party Group in your area. Then GO TO that & subsequent Tea Parties(sometimes news crews show up here)! Also search out local conservative groups & join forces!!

6.) Keep calling & E-mailing your Reps. & Senators till they practically get a restraining order on you!!!! Write,Write,Write,Call,Call,Call!!!

7.) You can also contact your state Governor & make a PEST out of yourself!! Sooner or later he’ll call the others for a “Powwow” so he can tell them how much crap HE’S been getting!! You can also ORGANIZE A GROUP to make a trip to your state capitol! A little One-on-One with a Rep. or Governor can make a HUGE differance!!

The point is, if you don’t OPEN YOUR MOUTH…DON’T EXPECT THEM TO READ YOUR MIND!!! Now get out there and get MILITANT about it just like they do!!!